Get Clarity On The Most Vital Area
of Your Fitness Business Now!

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels in your business and trying to do “all the things”, then end up never actually getting any traction? That’s what happens when:


You think everything is urgent.

You feel everything is a priority.


When you can’t clearly see what the vital needs are, you end up wasting time on activities that aren’t actually helping us move the dial.


Solving symptoms without getting to the root cause doesn’t actually solve anything. It wastes effort and resources. It’s time to use a system that gives you the answers as to exactly what you should focus on now in your business.

That is where we come in! With our specialized fitness business coaching and Vital Needs Assessment, we can help you break through the plateaus and obstacles to drive the business results you desire. 

Book your free 60 minute coaching call with Frank Pucher, my director of the Todd Durkin Mastermind. Together, you will leave that call with specific action steps to resolve your most Vital Need and move your fitness business forward.

Frank has personally coached over 200+ fitness entrepreneurs from around the country to help them reach the next level in their business and life. Being the former CEO of Fitness 121 Personal Training, he has hands-on experience in owning and operating a profitable fitness studio which led to him publishing his book Smart Money Moves: The Fitness Professional’s Guide for Earning, Growing and Protecting Your Money, which became an Amazon Best Seller.

Through Franks' expertise on a specialized coaching call and the Vital Needs Assessment, you will be able to identify and conquer your most pressing problems along with learning the essential elements for leadership, sales, profitability, programs, and systems. This will help you to break through the sticking points regardless of the age or size of your business.

“You can’t manage what you don’t track.” That statement became uber clear to me after my coaching call and completing the Vital Needs Assessment for my business. As a business owner I know it’s important to measure and manage the ins/outs of operations, sales, profits, customer satisfaction, etc, but it can be overwhelming when you aren’t sure exactly what to look for or where to begin. 

Coach Frank and I discussed the step-by-step actions that would allow massive progress in that area. Before using the VNA, I would put a little effort into all areas which resulted in my business making little to no progress. Finally, I had some clarity and direction.

Thanks to Frank and the VNA I now know what to focus on, what not to focus on, and

the necessary steps to grow my business.”

Coach D.

Derith Cass



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